2022.1.24 (Mon):博士後期課程研究経過報告(豊田・山本)
- 土星リング粒子を模擬した多孔質氷球の低速度衝突実験:反発係数に対する空隙率及び複数回衝突の影響(豊田)
- 低強度粗粒標的に対するクレーター形成実験:低強度レゴリス層に適用可能なクレータースケール則と衝突励起振動への応用(山本)
2022.1.24 (Mon):博士後期課程研究経過報告(笹井・横田)
- 赤外線カメラによる多孔質氷の衝突残留温度測定(笹井)
- 小惑星のレゴリス起伏地形に形成されるクレーターの形成と緩和に関する実験的研究(横田)
2022.1.17 (Mon):卒論3分発表練習(柿木・久保田・佐古・豊嶋)
2022.1.13 (Thu):修論最終報告(大川)
2021.12.20 (Mon):4回生中間報告(久保田・柿木)
- 同サイズ試料を用いた衝突破壊実験:エネルギー密度と反対点速度・破片速度の計測(久保田)
- 層構造標的におけるクレーターの形態および衝突励起振動に関する実験的研究(柿木)
2021.12.16 (Thu):4回生中間報告(佐古・豊嶋)
- クレーター放出物のスケール則に関する実験的研究(佐古)
- ハビタブル天体への小惑星衝突に関する実験的研究(豊嶋)
2021.12.6 (Mon):修論進捗報告会(石田)
- 進捗報告(石田)
2021.11.29 (Mon):進捗報告(豊田)
- 進捗報告(豊田)
2021.11.15 (Mon):新着論文(豊田),進捗報告(江口)
- Laboratory experiments with self-cohesive powders: Application to the morphology ofregolith on small asteroids, P Sánchez et al., Planet. Space Sci. 207, #105321, 2021.(豊田)
- 進捗報告(江口)
2021.11.8 (Mon):新着論文(大川)
- Crater shape as a possible record of the impact environment of metallic bodies: Effects of temperature, impact velocity and impactor density, R. Ogawa et al., Icarus 362, #114410, 2021.(大川)
2021.11.1 (Mon):新着論文(江口),進捗報告(大川)
- Development of image texture analysis technique for boulder distribution measurements: Applications to asteroids Ryugu and Itokawa, N. Tanabe et al., Planet. Space Sci. 203, #105249, 2021.(江口)
- 進捗報告(大川)
2021.10.25 (Mon):新着論文(石田),進捗報告(横田)
- Morphologic differences in radial grooves on martian layered (fluidized) ejecta: Implications for emplacement processes and conditions, J. M. Boyce & P. J. Mouginis-Mark, Icarus 366, #114513, 2021(石田)
- 進捗報告(横田)
2021.10.18 (Mon):論文紹介(柿木・豊嶋)
- Bennu’s near-Earth lifetime of 1.75 million years inferred from craters on its boulders, R.-L. Ballouz et al., Nature 587, pages 205–209, 2020.
2021.10.11 (Mon):論文紹介(久保田・佐古)
- Bennu’s near-Earth lifetime of 1.75 million years inferred from craters on its boulders, R.-L. Ballouz et al., Nature 587, pages 205–209, 2020.
2021.10.4 (Mon):進捗報告(笹井)
- 進捗報告(笹井)
2021.9.26 (Mon):新着論文(横田),進捗報告(山本)
- Delta Deposits on Mars: A Global Perspective, B. De Toffoli et al., GRL 48, e2021GL094271, 2021.(横田)
- 進捗報告(山本)
2021.9.13 (Mon):論文紹介(荒川)
- Bennu’s near-Earth lifetime of 1.75 million years inferred from craters on its boulders, R.-L. Ballouz et al., Nature 587, pages 205–209, 2020.
2021.9.6 (Mon):修士論文経過報告会(大川)
- 衝突クレーター形成時のエジェクタ放出過程における粒子サイズの影響
2021.7.26 (Mon):新着論文(長野),論文紹介(豊田)
- A highly magnetized and rapidly rotating white dwarf as small as the Moon, I. Caiazzo et al., Nature 587, pages 205–209, 2020.(長野)
- Past, present and future stars that can see Earth as a transiting exoplanet, L. Kaltenegger & J. K. Faherty, Nature 594, pages 505–507, 2021.(長野)
- A pole-to-equator ocean overturning circulation on Enceladus, A. H. Lobo et al., Nature Geoscience 14, pages 185–189, 2021.(長野)
- Incomplete cooling down of Saturn’s A ring at solar equinox: Implication for seasonal thermal inertia and internal structure of ring particles, R. Morishima et al., Icarus 279, 2-19, 2016.(豊田)
2021.7.19 (Mon):新着論文(笹井),論文紹介(石田,江口)
- The Conductive Cooling of Planetesimals With Temperature-Dependent Properties, M. M. Quinlan et al., J. Geophys. Res: Planets 126, e2020JE006726, 2021.(笹井)
- Formation of Small Craters in the Lunar Regolith: How Do They Influence the Preservation of Ancient Melt at the Surface? T. Liu et al., J. Geophys. Res: Planets 126, e2020JE006708, 2021.(笹井)
- A Spectral Investigation of Aqueously and Thermally Altered CM, CM-An, and CY Chondrites Under Simulated Asteroid Conditions for Comparison With OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2 Observations, H. C. Bates et al., J. Geophys. Res: Planets 126, e2021JE006827, 2021.(笹井)
- Repeated impact-driven plume formation on Enceladus over megayear timescales, A. Siraj & A. Loeb, Icarus 357, 114281, 2018.(江口)
- SPH simulations for shape deformation of rubble-pile asteroids through spinup: The challenge for making top-shaped asteroids Ryugu and Bennu, K. Sugiura et al., Icarus 365, 114505, 2021.(石田)
2021.7.12 (Mon):新着論文(山本),論文紹介(横田,大川)
- Effect of H2S on the Near-infrared Spectrum of Irradiation Residue and Applications to the Kuiper Belt Object (486958) Arrokoth, A. Mahjoub et al., Astrophys. J. Lett. 914, L31, 2021.(山本)
- Thermal History of Asteroid Parent Bodies is Reflected in Their Metalorganic Chemistry, M. Matzka et al., Astrophys. J. Lett. 915, L7, 2021.(山本)
- Phase Transition of Interstellar CO Ice, J. He et al., Astrophys. J. Lett. 915, L23, 2021.(山本)
- Investigation of the depth and diameter relationship of subkilometer-diameter lunar craters, S. Sun et al., Icarus 309, 61-68, 2018.(横田)
- Microscopic ejecta measurements from hypervelocity impacts on aluminum and powdered regolith targets, G. Shohet et al., Int. J. Imp. Eng. 152, 130840, 2021.(大川)
2021.7.5 (Mon):新着論文(豊田),論文紹介(笹井)
- Experimental investigations of thermal properties of icy lunar regolith and their influence on phase change interface movement, T. G. Wasilewski et al., Planet. Space Sci. 200, 105197, 2021.(豊田)
- A fault surface exposed on Mercury, D. G. Pegg et al., Planet. Space Sci. 201, 105223, 2021.(豊田)
- Photometry of selected outer main belt asteroids, V. G. Shevchenko et al., Planet. Space Sci. 202, 105248, 2021.(豊田)
- Origins of pits and troughs and degradation on a small primitive planetesimal in the Kuiper Belt: high-resolution topography of (486958) Arrokoth (aka 2014 MU69) from New Horizons, P. Schenk et al., Icarus 356, 113834, 2021.(笹井)
2021.6.28 (Mon):新着論文(江口),論文紹介(豊田,山本)
- LICIACube – The Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids In support of the NASA DART mission towards asteroid (65803) Didymos, E. Dotto et al., Planet. Space Sci. 199, 105185, 2021.(江口)
- Definition and use of functional analogues in planetary exploration, F. Foucher et al., Planet. Space Sci. 197, 105162, 2021.(江口)
- Computation of linear energy transfer of space radiation in biological tissue analog, G. N. Timoshenko & I. S. Gordeev, Planet. Space Sci. 199, 105190, 2021.(江口)
- Sizes of the smallest particles at Saturn’s ring edges, S. Eckert et al., Icarus 357, 114224, 2021.(豊田)
- Timescale of asteroid resurfacing by regolith convection resulting from the impact-induced global seismic shaking, T. M. Yamada et al., Icarus 272, 165-177, 2016.(山本)
2021.6.21 (Mon):4回生教科書レビュー(豊嶋,久保田)
- 新装版 地球惑星科学12 比較惑星学 松井孝典他 著 第2章 惑星上の衝突過程
- 2.3 カタストロフィック破壊と実験(豊嶋)
- 2.4 カタストロフィック破壊のスケーリング則(久保田)
2021.6.14 (Mon):4回生教科書レビュー(柿木,佐古)
- 新装版 地球惑星科学12 比較惑星学 松井孝典他 著 第2章 惑星上の衝突過程
- 2.1 クレーターの形成過程(柿木)
- 2.2 クレーターのスケーリング則(佐古)
2021.6.7 (Mon):新着論文(石田),論文紹介(長野,横田)
- Microporosity and parent body of the rubble-pile NEA (162173) Ryugu, W. Neumann et al., Icarus 358, 114166, 2021.(石田)
- Compositional control on impact crater formation on mid-sized planetary bodies: Dawn at Ceres and Vesta, Cassini at Saturn, P. Schenk et al., Icarus 359, 114343, 2021.(石田)
- Jetting during oblique impacts of spherical impactors, S. Wakita et al., Icarus 360, 114365, 2021.(石田)
- Impact modeling for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, E. S. G. Rainey et al., Int. J. Imp. Eng. 142, 103528, 2020.(長野)
- Absolute model age of lunar Finsen crater and geologic implications, S. Gou et al., Icarus 354, 114046, 2021.(横田)
2021.5.31 (Mon):新着論文(大川),論文紹介(石田,江口)
- Bennu regolith mobilized by TAGSAM: Expectations for the OSIRIS-REx sample collection event and application to understanding naturally ejected particles, E. B. Bierhaus et al., Icarus 355 114142, 2021.(大川)
- Geological and geophysical constraints on Itokawa’s past spin periods, H. C. M. Susorney et al., Icarus 357, 114265, 2021.(大川)
- Boulder sizes and shapes on asteroids: A comparative study of Eros, Itokawa and Ryugu, T. Michikami & A. Hagermann, Icarus 357, 114282, 2021.(大川)
- Momentum transfer in hypervelocity cratering of meteorites and meteorite analogs: Implications for orbital evolution and kinetic impact deflection of asteroids, G. J. Flynn et al., Int. J. Imp. Eng. 136, 103437, 2020.(江口)
- Hypervelocity cratering and disruption of porous pumice targets: Implications for crater production, catastrophic disruption, and momentum transfer on porous asteroids, G. J. Flynn et al., Planet. Space Sci. 107, 64-76, 2015.(石田)
2021.5.24 (Mon):新着論文(横田),論文紹介(笹井,大川)
- Predicted Sources of Samples Returned From Chang’e−5 Landing Region, T. Liu et al., GRL 48 e2021GL092434, 2021.(横田)
- Impact Gardening on Ceres, E. S. Costello et al., GRL 48, e2021GL092960, 2021.(横田)
- Recent Dark Pyroclastic Deposits on Mercury, Z. Xiao et al., GRL 48, e2021GL092532, 2021.(横田)
- Development and characteristics of Mechanical Porous Ambient Comet Simulants as comet surface analogs, E. M. Carey et al., Planet. Space Sci. 147, 6-13, 2017.(笹井)
- The effects of asteroid layering on ejecta mass-velocity distribution and implications for impact momentum transfer, S. D. Raducan et al., Planet. Space Sci. 180, article No. 104756, 2020.(大川)
2021.5.17 (Mon):新着論文(長野),論文紹介(豊田,山本)
- Long-term drying of Mars by sequestration of ocean-scale volumes of water in the crust, E. L. Scheller et al., Science 372 (Issue 6537), 56-62, 2021.(長野)
- A coupled model of episodic warming, oxidation and geochemical transitions on early Mars, R. Wordsworth et al., Nature Geoscience 14, 127–132, 2021.(長野)
- Implantation of Martian atmospheric ions within the regolith of Phobos, Q. Nénon et al., Nature Geoscience 14, 61–66, 2021.(長野)
- Cassini microwave observations provide clues to the origin of Saturn’s C ring, Z. Zhang et al., Icarus 281, 297-321, 2017.(豊田)
- Simulating re-impacts from craters at the deepest location of Phobos to generate its blue spectral units, H. Kikuchi, Icarus 354, article No. 113997, 2021.(山本)
2021.5.12 (Wed):新着論文(笹井),論文紹介(石田,江口)
- Experimental Simulations of Hypervelocity Impact Penetration of Asteroids Into the Terrestrial Ocean and Benthic Cratering, M. Nishizawa et al., J. Geophys. Res: Planets 125, e2019JE006291, 2021.(笹井)
- Seismic Efficiency for Simple Crater Formation in the Martian Top Crust Analog, A. Rajšić et al., J. Geophys. Res.: Planet 126, e2020JE006662, 2021.(笹井)
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation on Asteroid Ryugu Induced by The Impact Experiment of The Hayabusa2 Mission: Limited Mass Transport by Low Yield Strength of Porous Regolith, G. Nishiyama et al., J. Geophys. Res.: Planets 126, e2020JE006594, 2021.(笹井)
- Three-dimensional imaging of crack growth in L chondrites after high-velocity impact experiments, T. Michikami et al., Planet. Space. Sci. 177, article No. 104690, 2019.(石田)
- Crater morphology and evolution at the Phoenix landing site: Insights into timing of modern geological processes and subsurface ice, E. Z. Noe Dobrea et al., Icarus 342, article No. 113534, 2020.(江口)
2021.4.28 (Wed):新着論文(山本),論文紹介(横田,大川)
- Statistical Properties of Solar Wind Upstream of Mars: MAVEN Observations, D. Liu et al., Astrophys. J., 911:113 (10pp), 2021.(山本)
- On the Stickiness of CO2 and H2O Ice Particles, S. Arakawa & S. Krijt, Astrophys. J., 910:130 (11pp), 2021.(山本)
- Elasticity of a Sintered Contact between Dust Grains, S. Sirono & D. Kudo, Astrophys. J., 911:114 (11pp), 2021.(山本)
- A morphological evaluation of crater degradation on Mercury: Revisiting crater classification with MESSENGER data, M. J. Kinczyk et al., Icarus 341, article No. 113637, 2020.(横田)
- Ricochets on asteroids: Experimental study of low velocity grazing impacts into granular media, E. Wright et al., Icarus 351, article No. 113963, 2020.(大川)
2021.4.21 (Wed):新着論文(豊田),論文紹介(笹井,長野)
- Determining the momentum transfer in regolith-like targets using the TUM/LRT electro-thermal accelerator, S. Chourey et al., Planet. Space Sci. 194, article No. 105112, 2020.(豊田)
- Equatorial grooves distribution on Ganymede: Length and self-similar clustering analysis, A. Lucchetti et al., Planet. Space Sci. 195, article No. 105140, 2021.(豊田)
- Experimental study concerning the oblique impact of low- and high-density projectiles on sedimentary rocks, A. I. Suzuki et al., Planet. Space Sci. 195, article No. 105141, 2021.(豊田)
- Mid-infrared observations of the nucleus of comet P/2016 BA14 (PANSTARRS), T. Ootsubo et al., Icarus 363, article No. 114425, 2021.(笹井)
- Fragment properties from large-scale asteroid collisions: I: Results from SPH/N-body simulations using porous parent bodies and improved material models, M. Jutzi et al., Icarus 317, 215-228, 2019.(長野)
2021.4.7 (Wed):研究自己紹介