
  • Leliwa-Kopystynski, J., Arakawa, M., “Impacts experiments onto heterogeneous targets simulating impact breccia: Implications for impact strength of asteroids and formation of the asteroid families”, Icarus 235, 147-155, 2014.
  • Yasui, M., Hayama, R., Arakawa, M., “Impact strength of small icy bodies that experienced multiple collisions”, Icarus 233, 293-305, 2014. 
  • Tachibana, S., Abe, M., Arakawa, M., Fujimoto, M., Iijima, Y., Ishiguro, M., Kitazato, K., Kobayashi, N., Namiki, N., Okada, T., Okazaki, R., Sawada, H., Sugita, S., Takano, Y., Tanaka, S., Watanabe, S., Yoshikawa, M., Kuninaka, H., the Hayabusa2 Project Team, “Hayabusa2: Scientific importance of samples returned from C-type near-Earth asteroid (162173) 1999JU3”, Geochem. J. 48, 571-587, 2014.

  • Suzuki, A., Nakamura, A. M., Kadono, T.., Wada, K., Yamamoto, S., Arakawa, M., “A formation mechanism for concentric ridges in ejecta surrounding impact craters in a layer of fine glass beads”, Icarus 225, 298-307, 2013.

  • Yasui, M., Arakawa, M., Hasegawa, S., Fujita, Y., Kadono, T., “In situ X-ray observation of projectile penetration processes and crater cavity growth in porous gypsum target analogous to low-density asteroids”, Icarus 221, 646-657, 2012.
  • Shimaki, Y., Arakawa, M., “Low-velocity collisions between centimeter-sized snowballs: Porosity dependence of coefficient of restitution for ice aggregates analogues in the solar system”, Icarus 221, 310-319, 2012.
  • Suzuki, A., Hakura, S., Hamura, T., Hattori, M., Hayama, R., Ikeda, T., Kusuno, H., Kuwahara, H., Muto, Y., Nagaki, K., Niimi, R., Ogata, Y., Okamoto, T., Sasamori, T., Sekigawa, C., Yoshihara, T., Hasegawa, S., Kurosawa, K., Kadono, T., Nakamura, A. M., Sugita, S., Arakawa, M., “Laboratory experiments on crater scaling-law for sedimentary rocks in the strength regime”, J. Geophys. Res. –Planets 117, E08012, doi:10.1029/2012JE 004064, 2012.
  • Cho, Y., Morota, T., Haruyama, J., Yasui, M., Hirata, N., Sugita, S., “Young mare volcanism in the Orientale region contemporary with the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) volcanism peak period ~2 billion years ago”, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L11203, doi:10.1029/2012GL051838, 2012.
  • Uchiyama, Y., Arakawa, M., Okamoto, C., Yasui, M., “Restitution coefficients and sticking velocities of a chondrule analogue colliding on a porous silica layer at impact velocities between 0.1 and 80 m s^-1”, Icarus 219, 336-344, 2012.
  • Dohi, K., Arakawa, M., Okamoto, C., Hasegawa, S., Yasui, M., The effect of a thin weak layer covering a basalt block on the impact cratering process, Icarus 218, 751-759, 2012.
  • Shimaki, Y., Arakawa, M., “Experimental study on collisional disruption of highly porous icy bodies”, Icarus 218, 737-750, 2012.

  • Yasui, M., Arakawa, M., “Flow law of ice-silica mixtures and the effects of silica content and porosity”, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Hokkaido University Press, Japan), 387-395, 2011. 
  • Arakawa, M., Yasui, M., “Measurements of post shock temperature deposited in ice impact crater”, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Hokkaido University Press, Japan), 339-344, 2011.
  • Shimaki, Y., Arakawa, M., Yasui, M., “Impact experiments on sintered snowballs”, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Hokkaido University Press, Japan), 379-386, 2011. 
  • Arakawa, M., Yasui, M., “Impact crater on sintered snow surface simulating porous icy bodies”, Icarus 216, 1-9, 2011. 
  • Yasui, M., Arakawa, M., “Impact experiments of porous gypsum-glass bead mixtures simulating parent bodies of ordinary chondrites: Implications for re-accumulation processes related to rubble-pile formation”, Icarus 214, 754-765, 2011. 
