2024.10.21 (Mon):四年生向け論文紹介(豊田)
- Characterizing organic particle impacts on inert metal surfaces: Foundations for capturing organic molecules during hypervelocity transits of Enceladus plumes, J. S. New, et al., Meteoritics & Planetary Science 55 (3), 465-479, 2024. (https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.13448)(豊田)
2024.10.7 (Mon):新着論文紹介(宇都宮), 研究紹介(黒崎)
- Evolution of impact-generated hydrothermal systems in basaltic targets on Earth and implications for habitats on Mars, J. Alsemgeest, et al., Icarus 417, 116140, 2024. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116140)(宇都宮)
- 研究紹介(黒崎)
2024.9.30 (Mon):新着論文紹介(石井)
- Impact cratering at the lunar Ina irregular mare patch (IMP): Experimental evidence for the nature of impacts into porous basaltic substrate and outstanding questions, J. W. Head & B. Ivanov, Planet. Sci. J. 250, 105954, 2024. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2024.105954)(石井)
2024.7.29 (Mon):修論経過報告会(松阪)
- 修論経過報告会(松阪)
2024.7.22 (Mon):修論経過報告会(石井, 宇都宮)
- 修論経過報告会(石井)
- 修論経過報告会(宇都宮)
2024.7.8 (Mon):新着論文(生駒), 進捗報告(豊嶋)
- High-velocity oblique impact experiments on ice and snow spheres: Implications for the collisional evolution of icy planetesimals at different thermal evolution stages, M. Nakamura, et al., Icarus 413, 116010, 2024. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116010)(生駒)
- 進捗報告(豊嶋)
2024.7.1 (Mon):新着論文(澤), 進捗報告(林)
- Polygonal impact craters on Ganymede, N. R. Baby, et al., Meteoritics & Planetary Science 59, 544–559, 2024. (https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.14138)(澤)
- 進捗報告(林)
2024.6.17 (Mon):新着論文(菊川), 進捗報告(柿木)
- Repeated and Long‐Lasting Fault Activation on Amazonian Mars as Demonstrated by Tectonically Induced Landslides, S. Z. Woodley, et al., Geophysical Research
Letters 51, e2023GL107757, 2023. (https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL107757)(菊川) - 進捗報告(柿木)
2024.6.12 (Wed):四年生教科書発表 (野口, 崎村)
- 現代地球科学入門シリーズ1: 太陽・惑星系と地球, 第5章 「地球型惑星」
- 5.4 金星と火星の大気(野口)
- 5.5 地球型惑星の大気散逸(崎村)
2024.6.10 (Mon):四年生教科書発表(大西, 大橋)
- 現代地球科学入門シリーズ1: 太陽・惑星系と地球, 第5章 「地球型惑星」
- 5.1 水星の地殻と内部構造:揮発性に富み巨大コアをもつ惑星(大橋)
- 5.2 金星の地殻と内部構造:プルームが支配する世界(大橋)
- 5.3 火星の地殻と内部構造:生命存在可能環境を有した惑星(大西)
2024.6.3 (Mon):新着論文(林), 進捗報告(澤)
- Unraveling the fate of impacted ice particles and the consequences for plume fly-through missions, Valerie Scott, et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, e2023E007830, 2023. (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2023JE007830)(林)
- 進捗報告(澤)
2024.5.22 (Wed):新着論文(松阪), 進捗報告(菊川)
- Planetary impacts: scaling of crater depth from subsonic to supersonic conditions, L. Albert, et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, e2023E007823, 2023.(https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JE007823)(松阪)
- 進捗報告(菊川)
2024.5.15 (Wed):新着論文(宇都宮), 進捗報告(生駒)
- Modeling 4.3 billion years of water history on Phobos, A. Kamada, et al., Icarus 410, 115916, 2024.(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115916)(宇都宮)
- 進捗報告(生駒)
2024.5.8 (Wed):新着論文(石井), 進捗報告(松阪)
- Describing the fragment mass distribution in meteorite showers, I.G.Brykina & L.A.Egorova, Planetary and Space Science 241, 105838, 2024.(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2024.105838)(石井)
- 進捗報告(松阪)
2024.4.24 (Wed):新着論文(豊嶋), 進捗報告(宇都宮)
- Chicxulub impact winter sustained by fine silicate dust, Cem Berk Senel, et al., Nature Geoscience 16, 1033–1040, 2023.(https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-023-01290-4)(豊嶋)
- 進捗報告(宇都宮)
2024.4.17 (Wed):新着論文(柿木), 進捗報告(石井)
- The Relative Effects of Surface and Subsurface Morphology on the Deflection Efficiency of Kinetic Impactors: Implications for the DART Mission, Mallory E. DeCoster et al., Planet. Sci. J. 5 21, 2024.(https://doi.org/10.3847/PSJ/ad11ec)(柿木)
- 進捗報告(石井)
2024.4.10 (Wed):研究自己紹介